UNISA Enterprise is calling on the Public and Private sector to join us in supporting higher education through collaborative pledges. These pledges are crucial in providing the resources needed to offer quality education and support to students.
The year 2015 marked a turning point for universities across the country as students participated in the #FeesMustFall protests, demanding free higher education. The protests, which escalated into violence and destruction, continued into 2016 and concluded in 2017 with the government’s promise of a sliding-scale payment policy to assist economically disadvantaged students.
Since 2011, South Africa’s student debt has surged from R3.2 billion to over R16 billion, presenting a significant challenge for higher education institutions. With 26 public universities serving one million students and plans to accommodate an additional 500,000 by 2030, it is essential to secure resources to ensure equal opportunities for all students.
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Fill in a Higher Education Pledge form
Register for the National Summit on Higher Education Funding