31 Aug Accounting and Tax Services for the ESD Programme
Request for Proposal to provide the University with ESD Programme: Accounting and Taxation Support Services
Unisa Enterprise in partnership with its mother body UNISA seeks to appoint a service provider that will provision accounting services for the ESD program.
UNISA having embraced its corporate citizenship status within South Africa has adopted the guidance of the Constitution of the republic in advancing the principles of economic transformation and the empowerment of the previously disadvantage. UNISA has adopted the provisions of section 217 (2) which empowers public institutions to implement procurement policies which ensures the advancement or protection of persons or groups of persons disadvantaged by unfair discrimination. Accordingly, Unisa’s enterprise and supplier development strategy aims to support and develop small and medium sized business enterprises with majority ownership from those previously disenfranchised by apartheid and its continued legacy.
UNISA ESD office is currently in the process of running an ESD programme . The main aim of the programme is to provide ESD suppliers with accounting and support services The main aim of the programme is to provide basic accounting and support services, which will include accounting services tools and accounting services. The expectation is that accounting support services will provide guidance on basic accounting and tax processes for small businesses/ESD suppliers. This programme will not stop at providing basic accounting services for the ESD suppliers but will ensure that the ESD suppliers have access to the requisite accounting and bookkeeping tools for the purposes of facilitating and supporting their bookkeeping and invoicing processes.
Thus, ESD Programme: Accounting Services and Support is expected to deliver the below:
a) Basic Bookkeeping support and Tax training.
b) Accounting, tax and bookkeeping services support; through accountants and bookkeepers that will be available on demand to assist ESD Suppliers, during the duration of the programme.
c) Access to cloud-based/easily accessible accounting tools for the ESD Suppliers.
The focus of the UNISA ESD strategy is as follows:
• Improve capacity of the enterprises (Knowledge, skills, etc.) in respective trades
• Improve systems and processes internal (Increase efficiency, effectiveness, do basics well; clarify process flows, etc.)
• Financial Growth (increase revenue: new channels of income, partnerships, financial prudence: lower costs of doing business)
• Improve the efficacy of the enterprises to meet their deliverables: boosting finance and accounting efficiency
Service providers must not contact any member of Unisa Enterprise and / or consultants with respect to queries they may have with this tender. The service provider shall not disclose any such information or specification, whether explicit or implied, to any third party without the written consent from Unisa Enterprise.
Service providers must be an Exempted Micro Enterprise (EME) or Qualifying Small Enterprise (QSE) with at least 51% ownership by any of the designated groups as defined by the B-BBEE codes of good practice in order to advance the designated groups. Unisa Enterprise will use other means of validation to confirm the B-BBEE status. Service providers that fail to meet this criterion will be disqualified.
Closing date: 22 September 2023
Proposals submitted late will not be accepted or considered
UNISA reserves the right to appoint, contract with and monitor the performance of any service provider it deems will offer the best service in line with its requirements, although it may not necessarily be the lowest Tenderer. UNISA also reserves the right, in its sole discretion, not to award a tender, to re-advertise a tender or not to award the tender to a service provider who has more than two existing contracts with UNISA.
The tender awarded will be conditional and subject to successful negotiations and signing of a written contract, failing which Unisa reserves the right to withdraw the tender and to award the tender to another Tenderer without repeating the process.
Mandatory requirements will include the following and must be labelled and submitted in the following order. Failure to comply and submit any one of the documents will disqualify the submission:
: Letter of partnership for accounting services tools
:Completed and signed Supplier List Application Form (F25) including bank account details from the bank. (www.unisaenterprise.ac.za/tenders)
:Resolution to sign on behalf of the tendering unit (www.unisaenterprise.ac.za/tenders). Own company resolution will also be accepted.
:Copy of valid SARS clearance certificate to be submitted. SARS pin will also be accepted.
:Copy of company registration documents indicating list of shareholders / members from CIPC. Copies of share certificates must be included (excluding close corporations).
Annexure A4: Pricing template. Annexure A4 must be completed.
Annexure A5: A minimum of three recent (not older than 5 years) contactable references from customers to which the tenderer/professionals have provided Accounting, tax and bookkeeping services support that are substantially similar (size, nature & quantity) to the goods/service required. Annexure A5 must be completed. At least one reference should be from an institution of higher learning with similar (scope, project cost per annum & at least 200 ESD beneficiaries).
Annexure A6: UNISA General Terms and Conditions to be completed and signed (www.unisaenterprise.ac.za/tenders)
Annexure A7: Requirements template
Please download full spec here.
Supporting documents:
Download Supplier Application Form here,
Download Pricing Template Annexure A4 here,
Download Client Reference Template Annexure A5 here,
Download General Terms and Conditions Annexure A6 here,
Download Requirements Template Annexure A7 here.