short learning programmes

Bespoke Short Learning Programmes (SLPs) are amongst UNISA Enterprise’s product offering, and are rendered in association with accredited academics as well as external specialists. These include executive, business development, continuous professional development, public service and customised courses, all which aim to address the shortage of skills across various sectors in South Africa and the wider communities. Our courses are also supported by workshops, training courses, seminars and webinars, etc.

Research Solutions

Through UNISA Enterprise’s independent market research entity and subsidiary, The Bureau of Market Research (BMR), our research practices are collectively applied in a practical and strategic style to generate custom-made, one-stop modern market research intelligence optimally impacting on business and societal transformation. With a research scope that cuts across demographic, economic, business, household wealth, behavioural, communication, youth and consumer neuroscience subjects, our research services include qualitative and quantitative research, observation research, longitudinal and cross-sectional research, neuroscience biometrics, macroeconomic modelling, diagnostic analyses, structural equation modelling, SQL database programming and research training. Access to BMR’s products and services is available via membership subscription or commissioned research.

Financial Services

UNISA Enterprise seeks to provide innovative financial services ranging from alternative funding for student fees, distribution and disbursement of NSFAS allowances, provision of healthcare products (e.g., medical aid) and a range of other services and solutions.

Property Management

As the preferred property development implementation partner in the UNISA Campus Master Plan, UNISA Enterprise is mandated to manage all lettable space and leased properties, out-door advertising and the erection of cellular towers, as well as to provide Canteen and Catering services across UNISA’s campuses. These initiatives are administered to ensure the University’s aim toward generating revenue through owned assets is realized.


In collaboration with the University’s Department of Technology and Innovation, UNISA Enterprise aims to enable the public to gain insight into the scientific method, technology, creativity, invention and innovation, engineering and entrepreneurship; historical background of technology and innovation; information revolution (information and telecommunications technology, information society, technology management, knowledge management); technology and innovation in business (quantum and incremental innovation, business incubation, technology transfer), and technology for Africa.


Services that guarantee optimized business processes. Our areas of focus include:


• Enterprise and Supplier Development

• Feasibility-based Studies

• Economic-based studies

• Market-related studies

• Agricultural services

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