Synergy Property Developments (Pty) Ltd aims to be the market leader in the provision of Purpose Built Student Accommodation (PBSA) and Affordable rental housing (Social housing) in South Africa. They develop, sell and manage property investments that are geared to work for the Investors.


Their primary concentration is on the previously disadvantaged Tertiary Institutions (Universities and TVET Colleges) based in the Townships and Township based campuses of previously privileged tertiary institutions. To address the current imbalances where well-resourced university campuses have access to adequate accommodation whether owned or outsourced and where historically disadvantaged universities/campuses have very limited access to Student accommodation.

At the same time, we aim to create maximum shareholder value whilst providing an essential service to the Student population in South Africa and all Tertiary Institutions in alleviating the shortage of PBSA through collaborating with ordinary South Africans. We believe our model can help to fill the gap much quicker than other models. For more information on the developer, visit https://www.synergydevelopments.co.za